Market Basket Analysis
Whether you shop from meticulously planned grocery lists or let whimsy guide your grazing, our unique food rituals define who we are.
To practice this method, we used the Grocery dataset available on GitHub.
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RE Price Correlation Analysis
How to verify if home prices in a certain area are properly priced when interest rates change often?
For this specific Real Estat prices have a tendency toward perfect correlation.
2. After looking into the data, I removed points that seemed off, after which the data was visually inspected, and added the Trend Line r2.
The downloaded data was cleaned and reviewed, and the entire data was sorted by Price Listing. I used a Scatter Plot of X-value being the Square Footage and Y-Value being the Price to determine if any points seem way off. The Excel data file is available under the GitHub link.
To access Data files from this project, click on the GitHub icon.
Neural Network
How to build a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) algorithm with backpropagation in Orange?
In Orange, The Neural Network widget uses sklearn’s Multi-layer Perceptron algorithm (what you just read) that can learn via non-linear models as well as linear models.
We used Iris data set to build Neural Network in Orange
For Data files clike on GitHub icon.